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Njoyn Applicant Tracking System
Challenges to the National Gallery of Canada’s Hiring Process Prior to Njoyn Implementation

The National Gallery of Canada, located in Ottawa, Ontario, faces a number of challenges that are not unique, but are more pronounced, amongst Crown Corporations. One of the major obstacles that they routinely had to navigate during their hiring process is dealing with the bilingual needs of applicants to their system. Similar to other government organizations, and many businesses located in Canada’s capital, they are required by law to make all text-based materials online available in both English and French. These challenges are shared by many international organizations looking to open recruitment to the widest pool of qualified candidates as possible.

Before the National Gallery deployed Njoyn’s recruitment tool, moving between stages in the hiring process was tedious and cumbersome. However, Njoyn’s sophisticated technology allowed the National Gallery to:

  • Work in multiple languages
  • Post to multiple outlets (including internal and external job forums)
  • Brand their recruitment tool (with National Gallery logos and assets)
  • Provide a sophisticated resource that benefited hiring managers as well as potential candidates with ease of use

To read more about how the National Gallery of Canada deployed Njoyn’s recruitment tool, download our case study!