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Njoyn Applicant Tracking System
Boost confidence with collaborative applicant evaluations

Help hiring managers make more confident choices by using the insights they gain on the candidates they interview. Then help them boost that confidence even more by gathering opinions on candidates from other colleagues.

Optimal applicant evaluation

Many hiring processes involve multiple interviewers. Some interviewers may want to know whether they could work with a candidate. Others may want to evaluate technical skills. Each person involved, each perspective explained, can contribute the insights hiring managers need to make the right call.

Why candidate feedback doesn’t always happen

This sounds great in theory, right? In the real world, hiring managers don’t get those perspectives as quickly as they’d like. Forms might be too long for interviewers to complete the same day. Colleagues may have squirreled forms away on some network drive, so interviewers can’t even find them. It’s a process fraught with little things that can go wrong.

What do these bottlenecks cost your company? And are they increasing your risk of losing good candidates to your competitors?

Improve interview feedback rates using an applicant tracking system

Your hiring system needs standardized candidate evaluation surveys. They should help solicit perspectives that hiring managers can use to improve their decisions. That system should:

  • be as easy to use as an online survey
  • allow for numerical grades on questions where that makes sense
  • let respondents type optional comments explaining their reasons for “grades” given

Here’s what a survey could look like using pre-built questions in Njoyn’s applicant tracking system.

Need a different question? No problem. Create it yourself.

And here’s what colleagues see.

Collaboration leads to more informed decisions and increased confidence that the right fit is chosen for a role. If you’re ready to make it easy, talk to us about scheduling a demo of our candidate evaluation survey. <>