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Njoyn Applicant Tracking System
How Applicant Tracking Systems Get the Right Resumes to your Inbox

Trying to find the perfect candidate for a job is hard enough, let alone when you have to weed through all of the non-qualified applicants just to and find one that is going to work for you. With the help of an applicant tracking system, you can save yourself a tremendous amount of stress and hassle. There are a number of reasons why so many people are taking advantage of one of these systems. In fact, they can help you eliminate all of the time involved in finding the candidate of your dreams.

Automated Job Posting

An automated job posting allows you to send your job posting to any number of online job boards, universities, social media sites, niche sites, talent agencies and much more. When you send your job posting to any number of different sites at the same time, you are going to open up the possibilities of more job applicants applying for the role. In fact, 75 % of all managers use some form of cloud ATS software to help improve the overall hiring process. Applicant tracking systems can weed through all of the applicants who applied to your job posting and make sure only those who meet certain criteria are forwarded to your inbox.

Mobile Career Sites

A mobile career site is a great way to connect with people who might not have the time to sit down on their computer and go through the process of applying for a job. Users can now apply and search for jobs using their mobile device. This keeps them coming back time and time again to see what you have to offer.


When using website optimization, you are going to notice a boost in your traffic and search engine results. Cloud ATS systems can help you get the maximum amount of traffic with the least amount of effort involved. You simply enter in a few keywords and the software will go through and scan for applicants that meet the criteria at hand. Then, you will only be dealing with applicants that directly possess the skills that you seek, thus saving you time and stress.

Social Media

You might not realize it, but 59% of all people looking for a job are going to end up using social media to find out some information about the company in question. You might as well look into integrating your social media networks into your hiring flow to help garner the most attention possible. Social media networks can help you capture more applicants than what you might even realize. An applicant tracking system can work along with social media and help draw attention from an entirely new crowd of job seekers.

Email Campaigns

If you post a new job or are hosting an upcoming career fair, you can send out an email blast to select individuals about the upcoming event. This will provide you with the best opportunity to be able to find someone who fits the profile of what it is that you are looking for. An email campaign can target specific applicants who happen to have the right skills in their job profile, thus helping you hone in on a specific set of criteria that an applicant must possess to work for your company.

 Google Analytics

With Google Analytics, you can easily track activity on your site to determine if you need to change things up to help improve the overall experience for the candidate. If you aren’t getting a lot of attention to a job posting that you have online, you can determine what you need to change to help draw more attention from the right type of applicants.

An applicant tracking system could be just what you need to save time, stress and hassle. Don’t delay in incorporating an ATS into your business strategy today and start targeting a specific group of individuals. Contact us to get started today!